Cart Paths


large JCB digger


An often-overlooked aspect of golf course construction is the inclusion of golf cart paths. With modern golf course designers taking every effort to make courses more accessible, while still upholding the challenge and difficulty of the course itself, implementing paths that safeguard your greens and fairways, as well as your golfers, is a noteworthy task in itself.

Titan Landscapes Ltd give you a wide range of options in constructing golf course cart paths. Whether you opt for a pine-needle track, or a full block-paved lane, we can help in consulting about materials, expense, how the path may mature, and overall durability. We can install gravel paths, as well as asphalt, concrete, or dirt topped with crushed shells, aggregate, or whichever material best fits the character of your course.

We can also consult with you how best to lay out your course, so that the cart path interacts with the play on a minimal level, while still allowing less mobile golfers access to the most used areas quickly.